
Monday, May 22, 2017

Adventure Tour in Raja Ampat

Adventure in Raja Ampat
I have just completed a five-day adventure tour in north-east region of Raja Ampat islands with three visitors from India. We went snorkeling at Isanak beach. We camped at the bank of Mamdifu river and explored the forest to watch birds such as the Red Bird of Paradise (Paradisaea rubra), Palm Cockatoo (Probosciger aterrimus), Blyth's Hornbill (Rhyticeros plicatus), Pink-spotted Fruit Dove (Ptilinopus perlatus).
Fish Lagoon in Raja Ampat
The coral reef at Isanak beach was very beautiful and was the natural habitat of a lot of species of fish including butterfly fish, grouper, moorish idol, stingray, and anemonefish. One the second day, we had barbecue at the beach of an empty island where we grilled at ate fresh fish that were caught by our local guides. Squids, grouper, butterflyfish and red snapper became our lunch that day. Our local guides caught them by fishing and shooting.
Visiting Villages and Meeting Local People
Local villagers were very friendly to us. During the adventure tour, we visited several coastal villages in Waigeo island and stayed in the houses of local people. They were happy to receive us. We had the opportunity to walk around the villages and to see how people live in their daily life. Most of the villagers were fishermen. They caught fish, lobster and sea cucumber and sold them in Sorong city.
Fish Lagoon
Boat that brought us to visit islands
One of the most important destinations in our tour was Laguna Ikan (meaning Fish Lagoon). There were a number of karst islets that formed a protected waters for fish and fishermen. The lagoon was very beautiful. I and the Indian tourists went hiking to the top of one of the islands in the lagoon to see and make pictures of its landscape.
Hiking and Birding
In addition to snorkeling, and doing village tours, we made several trips into the tropical rainforest of Waigeo island. We did this to watch birds. Some birds that I recognized were Mountain Peltop, Yellow-bellied Sunbird, and Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, and Rainbow Bee-eater (Merops ornatus). We did hiking and birdwatching trips early in the mornings and in late afternoons. We walked along the road that had just been constructed by local government to connect coastal villages in Waigeo. The road was still empty - no cars and motorcycles around. Most of the villagers use motorized boats to travel from one village to another.
Tidal Sandbar at sea in Raja Ampat
The north-east region of Raja Ampat has not been famous as tourist destination. There were no guesthouses or beach resorts in the area. Visitors have to stay in the villagers houses or built tents at white sandy beaches of empty islands or at the side of a river in the jungle.
Watching Red Bird of Paradise
We spent 1 night camping in the jungle to watch Red Bird of Paradise. The night when we were in the jungle, it rained a lot. We had to move to higher ground to avoid the rising water level from a flooding river. The next morning, we were able to see Red Bird of Paradise and other birds. We still did some birding in the village and were able to see starlings, sulphur crested cockatoos, yellow-bellied sunbird and kingfishers.
If you are interested in taking an adventure tour in Raja Ampat archipelago and you want me to guide you and organize the trip, please, contact me (Charles Roring) by e-mail to: or send text/ whatsapp message to my number +6281332245180.

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